Monday, October 26, 2009

The Park [Fall] V6 - Final

What: Park (its about time!)
Day/Time/Place: Tues, 11/3. 9 - 1 @ the usual park.
Bring: Lunch, Water, Backpack - you must carry what you bring! Shoes. Sweatshirt. Sports stuff. DHM. Wtvr.
Don't Bring: Baseball bats. Really, DONT.
People: Me, Hungry, Burke, Dan (eggs), Martin (eggs), Tuba (eggs), Gabe (crosscountry).
Transport: Get a ride or bike - if you bring it in the woods we WILL go off trail so...
Weather: Rain = cancel. Forecast: 42 deg., & partly cloudy. Note: It's supposed to rain Mon. night so it will probably be muddy. Do not be unprepared.
Business: First thing @ business tree...then FUN!!!!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Bowling 10/31

What: Bowling At MerriBowl
When: Halloween from 1 - 3ish (the more people, the longer this will take, obviously)
Who: Dan, Jessica, Hungry, Tuba, Martin, Burke, Gabe
Why: Because business needs to be done.
Cost: 3.69 per game, 2.99 for shoes. This is a lot more than I thought. Luckily I have some free game thingies (maybe even enough for everyone to pay off one game).
Chaperone: Mom
Other: I was thinking two or three games, depending on how much we wanna play

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Oct. 8th - This is it whether I like it or not.

What: Vgames
Where: Dan's house.
When: 10/8, 1pm-5pm.
Who: I have no idea right now. Come if you can.
Transport: Get your own please.
Conference: You may get there about 15 min. early if necessary.
Band: Eat/wtvr before you get to Dan's house.
Chem: Call me immediately.
Business: Before Vgames. I claim the right to a fair trial and an attorny and for the jury to listen while I say my piece.
Anything else: If you have a problem, call me.
Park: November if I get adequate interest.


The park is hereby canceled until further notice. Why:
1) 2 hrs is not enough (& thats what it ends up being)
2) Everybody wants to come at different times -> Fail.
3) Merribowl messes up the ENTIRE THING. In the future, please do not change stuff drastically like that. I do not appreciate working hard on a plan and then having everyone run off to do something else without telling me until the last minute. If y'all would have told me when I (ahem) asked for Oct. ideas I wouldn't have put all that effort into the park. I would have either planned bowling (its not like I hate bowling) or nothing. This was a mess and I do not appreciate having no organization and nobody knowing what they're doing the day beforehand. Now i get to cancel the entire event and sit waiting for people to contact me when I should be biking or doing MACP or something equally fun/useful. I'm not liking this. I was gonna stay at the park by myself for awhile (which is fine if I get a decent time @ park w/ friends), except that now we're not gonna be there for hardly any time so theres no point. This is out of control.
4) There's a fair chance of rain anyway and I'm just done dealing with problems up to and including rain.
5) I'm gonna talk to Dan about whether to implement the rain day Vgame plan or not. I don't like this, but it's necessary.
6) I will post again with details about whatever the heck we're doing once I find out. Y'all might want to check this late tonight.
7) I'm aiming for a park in Nov - either the 3rd or during Thanksgiving break as a replacement. If this happens, I am setting the day and IF YOU DON'T WANT TO COME FOR THE WHOLE THING DONT EXPECT ME TO CHANGE IT. I will work around band though, of course. This wont happen if I don't get enough interest, but it would be nice to have a fall park.
8) I know this is really long and I'm sorry but I wanted everything to be crystal clear.
-A very irritated Jessica who is still waiting to find out whats going on-