Saturday, January 30, 2010

Winter Park - V100000002Final

Here is your winter park info.
Date: 2/15/10. Monday. No school.
Time: 12:30pm-4pm
Place: The usual park.
What: Snow! And this time I think we should do a woodland snowball fight. Or have time to build fortifications before actually fighting. Just my opinion.
Chaperone: No
Bring: Full winter gear - including snowpants, boots, gloves, coat, etc
Don't Bring: Baseball bats. Sticks & snow only please
People: Me, Hungry, Dan, Burke, Tuba, Gabe, Martin.
Weather: The forecast predicts 29 degrees w/ snow flurries
Business: Will smash toothpick bridge for business. Also! I have other business, hence the time extension.


Thursday, January 21, 2010

Jan. Ltag V3

THE PARK IS HEREBY POSTPONED UNTIL FEBRUARY. So we'll do something else instead. The only suggestion I've gotten is Ltag, so unless there's objections, that's what we're doing.
Date: Jan. 29th. Day after finals.
Time: 7:00-9:30
Place: The usual ltag place
Chaperone: no.
Cost: $7 per game. 2-3 games. $5 for members
People: Me, Hungry, Dan, Gabe, Burke, Tuba, Martin.
RSVP STAT. Also, scroll down to see the winter park post.