Friday, September 24, 2010


Meeting V2 Update- The day is October 17th.

Hey guys , It's Matt with some concrete stuff for a virtual meeting with Stephanie. As Martin has pointed out, we need to talk to her about stuff like the senior trip. This meeting would be conducted using the Jessica's web-cam on her laptop and my wi-fi. I would like to have this go down before the end of Oct. To find out the best times for you guys, I am going to take the selection of possible dates, and send you a survey to your email through a thing called Surveymonkey. If you see this, don't let it be spam-folder-ed! Here is the other Info and individual messages.

DATE: October 17th!

TIME: 3-5ish.

PLACE: My House. E-mail me or Facebook message me for directions if needed.

PEOPLE GOING SO FAR: Tuba, Dan, Hungry, Jess, Martin, Gabe, Stephanie, Burke.

Yay! I got everybody! :D

WHAT: A meeting with Stephanie over a webcam on Jessica's computer regarding important business like the Senior Trip.

In-duh-vidual notes.

Stephanie: Do you have a Webcam? Do you have a USB Mic? If you do not have a Mic then we will use my speakerphone for the audio.

Thhhhatts all folks!

Scroll Down for More Important Info!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Possible Charity Work in Late Fall, Winter, Or Spring, Heck Summer.

Ok guys, this is what i was talking about our group doing at Lazer Tag for some Comm. Service hours. Plus, I looks great on a college app. ;D

Sunday, September 12, 2010

El fin

(no more annoying scrolling)

The Meeting-Part 2!

Hey guys, It's Matt with some concrete stuff for a virtual meeting with Stephanie. As Martin has pointed out, we need to talk to her about stuff like the senior trip. This meeting would be conducted using the Jessica's webcam on her laptop and my wi-fi. I would like to have this go down before the end of Oct. To find out the best times for you guys, I am going to take the selection of possible dates, and send you a survey to your email through a thing called Surveymonkey. If you see this, don't let it be spam-folder-ed! Here is the other Info and individual messages.


TIME: Sometime after 3 on a Sunday.

PLACE: My House. E-mail me or Facebook message me for directions if needed.

PEOPLE GOING SO FAR: Jess, Tuba, Dan, Martin, Gabe, Hungry, Burke, Stephanie.


WHAT: A meeting with Stephanie over a webcam on Jessica's computer regarding important business like the Senior Trip.

In-duh-vidual notes.

Martin: E-mail me in response. Check your email for the Surveymonkey survey.

Kruppa: Should I e-mail you or phone you? which is better for the info, if you want, I can give you the survey over phone.

Burke: Check. Your. Friggin. E-mail. Please...? Check your Email for the Surveymonkey survey.

Stephanie: Do you have a Webcam? Do you have a USB Mic? If you do not have a Mic then we will use my speakerphone for the audio.

Thhhhatts all folks!