Wednesday, December 31, 2008

January Park

PARK! I LIKE PARK!! Okay, apparently my last post wasn't clear on the possible days that I was going to do a park. Of course, if they'd have read it thouroughly...Well, anyway, I guess an update couldn't hurt anything. So here's the basics:
Date: Two possible. Maybe a third possible..depending. #1: Jan. 22. This is the last day of finals. You would get transport. to the park and back, after school (1/2 day). #2: Jan. 23. Day after finals. No school. Transport to & from the park. #3: MAYBE some day during midwinter break (feb.). Not likely since we're probably going somewhere.
Time: If Jan 22: From approx: 11:30 - 1:30/2:00. Or, if it suits everybody better, from 2:00-4:00. If Jan 23: Don't know. Probably approx 2:00-4:00. This is where I need input you guys. When can you be there? When can you get rides?
Chaperone: My mom. She's officially agreed, though she says she doesn't want to be there longer than 2 hours.
Place: Park. Same place as the last park. If you forget which park that is, email me. Or go on Yahoo Groups and read the old park posting.
Transportation: Must be provided by a parent/sibling/friend/whatever. I'm not involved in that. Have rides. Or, if you live close, walk. I don't care.
Food: None. If we go on Jan 22, right after school, then everybody can bring a bag lunch. If you want. None provided.
Cost: $100.00 paid directly to me. Just kidding. None.
Activities: Hiking, sports, stick fights, kicking...same as usual.
Business: Have anything you want/need discussed ready. I figure, like last time, we hike 'til we find that tree, go through official business, and then hike more, play sports, etc.
***NEW PROPOSED RULES***(will you approve them?)
I talked to Hungry about this the Wed. before break, and meant to talk to Dan but forgot in light of golden pennies & VB graphics. Sorry. I basically propose a couple rules pertaining to official business to keep it from taking too much time. What do you think?
1) Time limit. Don't ramble. Get to the point and move on. Actual limit to be decided by everyone at once.
2) Silence. No talking until the person presenting business is done - except for relevant questions/info/blah. PLEASE approve this one guys. This is the problem that made me take 20 min on Cedar Point last time instead of 5 minutes (As in, DCM jokes and dictator insults).
That's it for now guys. Hopefully this is clear. EMAIL ME AND TELL ME WHAT TIMES/DAYS WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (thank you dan for being the only person to do this last time).

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