Thursday, February 5, 2009

Laser Tag Info - 10th Edition

This is Jess. Check back. Look @ & post comments. Eat eggs.
Date: 3/10/09. Tuesday. No school.
Time: 7:00pm-9:00pm.
Chaperone: None.
Place: Zap Zone.
Cost: $4 per game. Three games. $12 total. Plus Vgames.
Transport: Get a ride.
Going: Me, Dan, Hungry, Tuba, Gabe, Martin, Christian.
Not Going: Franklin (swimming), Burke (???)
Business: Make it short.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Laser Tag & Other Stuff + Daniel's comments

Hi. This is Jessica. Due to certain recent events involving annoying phone calls from certain people (tell me if you don't know what I'm talking about), I'm feeling an amazing urge to go...zap... something. Whatever. As in, Zap Zone. So I looked up our days off in March.

We have March 10th off school. This is a Tuesday. That means $4 dollar game day. Cheap. Which is also cool. (If you've read this previously, the lock in thing is out. Once Dan told me what it was, I decided that it was a bad idea).


Oh yeah, and if I got positive feedback this would implement the thing I outlined in the community service packet I handed out/emailed. Please read it if you haven't yet. In other words, it'd be parent-drop-off-and-pick-up-no-chaperone-required. Which would allow Martin to come.

Dan writes:

I don't really want to do the lock-in because it costs a lot (i'm not sure how much, I heard $40+ and Jessica heard $20), and i'm not sure I would want to stay the whole time, and that doesn't factor in vgames and food, so that's a lot. But I think the tuesday we have off would be a good day to do lasertag.