Sunday, May 31, 2009

Summer Park! :) - V6

Hi Everyone: (Check back for updates!)
I've been working on a park which, as y'all know, is the one get-together I really put effort into. This park is going to be different than usual though. We're doing a park exploration. Ask me for details. Here's the info:
What: Park. See above.
When: Thursday, June 11th. 11:30-4:00. We'll enter the woods @ 11:45. If you can't get there by 11:45 TELL ME BEFOREHAND.
Where: Same park as usual.
Chaperone: None.
To Bring: You definitely need to bring bottled water for yourself, clothes/shoes that can get dirty, and food. I suggest two bottles of H2O. LABEL THE WATER BOTTLE WITH YOUR INITIALS! I will bring a backpack that everyone will switch off carrying - we'll carry it in shifts. I will also provide a compass and a basic map.
Not to Bring: Don't bring a bunch of stuff you don't need unless you want to carry it around for four hours. That includes school stuff. Either drop your school stuff off home, leave it in the car, or don't bring any to school (hello? finals?)
Food: Bring a bag lunch - everything MUST be disposable. No containers, icepacks, or lunchboxes
Transport: Get a ride. I suggest carpooling or biking directly from school.
People: Me, Hungry, Dan, Martin, Gabe, Burke, Tuba. That's ALL.
Weather: Hopefully there will be good weather. If not, I will probably be rescheduling for Friday the 19th.
P.S. This is THE LAST thing I am planning until next school year, minus a euchre thing(IP). Y'all are on your own, though I will help micromanage stuff if you want.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

May Stuff - The Official Movie Info! V8

Hi Everyone:
What: X-Men Origins - Wolverine. A movie.
When: 5/29/09. AMC 20 changed their showtimes as of LAST NIGHT (ugh eggs) so now the time is messed up. It starts at 6:10pm. Get there as early as dinner will allow (although following the 30 minute rule is no longer a requirement). You MUST be able to get there at least by 6:00. Once two people are there, one person will go find seats while the other person waits for everyone else to get there. Meet by the ticket booth in the lobby.
Cost: $10.00 per ticket.
Movie Info: 1 hr, 47 min. PG-13.
People: Me, Hungry, Gabe, Dan, Burke, Tuba, Martin.
Transportation: If you need a ride, contact Kristi.


Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Hi everyone: Forget the weird thing. Just forget it. Apparently you have to make an account or whatever and that's just stupid. Here's the new plan: If you want a copy of the brainstorm list (AKA if you're planning on ... planning ... something), please email me. DO NOT hit the reply button - send the email to my regular email.
Alright: The brainstorm list is a list of all the plan ideas I can think of (I'm sick of doing laser tag and Vgames over and over...And although I'd be quite happy to go to the park every couple of days, I'm sure most people don't feel that way). It includes several things that we haven't done before that I've heard about other people doing. It also includes some large scale projects. IF you want it and decide to plan one of the things that we've never talked about doing before, PLEASE talk to the group about it first - some of the ideas I'm not sure about. I'm not even sure if I'd like all of them. Or you can request the file (even if you don't want to plan anything) and then send me/tell me a list of whatever activities you DON'T want to do.

Thank y'all. And again, ignore the thing. Sorry about that.
PS. I probably won't be planning anything for a little while. Because I won't be home much until the last weekend in May. That weekend I was thinking about planning something, but I'd really rather take a break for a while. I have other things I'd like to micromanage.