Thursday, April 23, 2009

Awesome Bloing Gloing V2

I was bored in computer math and created a Visual Basic program that displays Boing Gloing bouncing very fast.

Email me if you want it.

What I did is I put it on the scheduled tasks so that when my mom logged on, it showed up. It was awesome! Here's how to do this

For XP:

Enter the user profile you want it to run in
Click Start
Go to Control Panel
Select Scheduled Tasks
Double Click Add Scheduled Task
Click OK to go to the next screen
Click the Browse Button
Find the BG exe and click on it and hit Open
Choose the option "When I log in"
Ignore the password stuff and hit next
Check the checkbox "Open advanced properties when I hit finish"
Click Finish
If you get an error, that's OK. Click OK.
The advanced properties window opens.
Check the checkbox "Run only if I'm logged on"
Hit OK
Log off and log on to see if it works

To remove the task

Open Scheduled Tasks again
Right click on the BG task
Click delete on the pop up menu

Most of you guys have XP. If you have Vista, email me and I'll tell you how to do it

To stop Bloing Gloing once he starts!!!

1. You must have another program open (Ex. Paint, Word, this internet site, anything) unless you are running Vista.
2. Press Alt-Tab.
3. Immediately after, press Alt-F4. (If you looked at this information between steps 2 and 3, you must restart step 2)
4. Bloing Gloing should disappear.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Julius Caesar - UPDATED

To everyone who's helping with the Caesar Project: There's been some scheduling problems we finally have the accurate info:
1st Rehearsal: Monday, April 27th. 6:30/7:00pm - 8:30pm.
2nd Rehearsal: Wednesday, April 29th. 2:30pm - 4:30pm. My mom will drive us from school, but get a ride home.
3rd Rehearsal: Thursday, April 30th. 6:3/7:00pm - 8:30pm.

1. All rehearsals are being held at MY HOUSE. If you need directions, email me.
2. Gabe is coming on Monday, so hopefully we can finish his section that day.
3. Don't forget your camera, props, and script.

Thanks everyone for helping out!


Saturday, April 4, 2009


Well, we've done a summer, fall, and winter park right? So lets do a spring one!
When: WED. 4/15. 12:30pm-3:30pm.
Place: Same park as last time.
Chaperone: My mom.
What to bring: Sports stuff is encouraged but you don't have to bring any. There will be mud too. Deal with it.
Food: None provided. Martin says he'll bring 'treats' though, and won't take no for an answer. So yeah.
People: Me, Hungry, Gabe, Martin, Dan, Burke, Tuba
Weather: If the weather messes things up again...4/25?
Business: Hold it until we reach IIA Park Headquarters (the tree).