Sunday, February 27, 2011

Lock In V2

(post moved - scroll up)

Blog Modification

There will be a slight modification to the blog: only ten of the most recent posts will be shown on the main screen. To see the other posts, see Blog Archive on the sidebar, or click "Older Posts" at the bottom of the page. This is intended to decrease loading times (it takes forever on mobile devices). If you guys have a problem with this please let me know via comment.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Winter Park. V100.3

Date: 2/27/11. Sunday
Time: 1:30pm until whenever. Between 4 & 4:30. And I'll be a little late, sorry, but you shouldn't be. I shouldn't be either but it's not my fault. Y'all get kicks if you want 'em.
Place: Mies park (aka Rosedale Gardens Park). Google it or call me
What: A snow brawl.
People: Me, Trombone, Tuba, Dan, Burke, Gabe, Martin
Transport: Figure it out. I can't give anybody rides this time, sadly
Note: The lockin is 3/26. Dont forget to clear the date!

RSVP ASAP!!! Muy importante, gracias.
See y'all,

Thursday, February 17, 2011

2/22: VFinal

The plan co-developed with Martin & me. Martin's idea, my logistics.
Date: 2/22/11. Tues.
Time: 12:30 @ westland mall. When we get bored: back to martin's for halo. 4ish/bored again: go home.
Activity: Generic Hanging Out w/ vgames
Cost: None unless you plan on buying something @ the mall.
Transport: Get a ride to the mall. Then, Dan's mom and Trombone will drive us all back to Martins. Get a ride home from there (Thank you Dan's mom!!!!)
NOTE: Meet @ the gamestop in the mall. if you fail @ finding it, use your cell phones to figure it out.
People: Martin, Me, Tromb., Burke, Dan, Tuba (see comment), Gabe

Lock In Date

3/26/11. Please lemme know if this works for you. Meanwhile, see the comments and tuba's post (below) for discussion on February's event.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


So, in light of the recent weather changes, we need an alternative.
Any suggestions?
No Laser Tag.
No stupid foolhardy ideas.
Any suggestions?

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


So! The snow's all melting. And its supposed to melt more before the weekend. So. Ideas to replace the park??? If it doesn't melt we'll still go but the forecast is, uh, yeah, no. I HATE THIS WEATHER DARN IT! If you have ideas, please tell me. I'm thinking generically hanging out, but I dont know where or when. lemme know.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Lockin VTemp

lockin POSTPONED until the next one (i think March). Sorry --Jess